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Articles in AJO, Vol. 93, Issue 1

January 24, 2023

The racial pandemic experienced by Black American men: Cognitive-behavioral and structural implications.

pp. 1–16  Gregory, Virgil L.; Tucker Edmonds, Joseph L.

“No matter what, I will not give up”: Community practice on the front lines of COVID-19.

pp. 17–26  Itzhaki-Braun, Yael; Feldman, Guy; Frankenburg, Ruth; Tene, Bar.

Measuring Latinx/@immigrant experiences and mental health: Adaptation of discrimination and historical loss scales.

pp. 27–40  Handal, Alexis J.; Vasquez Guzman, Cirila Estela; Hernandez-Vallant, Alexandra; Lemus, Alejandra; Hess, Julia Meredith; Casas, Norma; Galvis, Margarita; Medina, Dulce; Huyser, Kimberly; Goodkind, Jessica R.

“Always on Parade”: Pregnancy experience of active-duty Air Force members.

Pages 41-49. Day, Magin A.; Gil-Rivas, Virginia; Quinlan, Margaret M.

Shifting the discourse on disability: Moving to an inclusive, intersectional focus.

Pages 50-62. Brinkman, Aurora H.; Rea-Sandin, Gianna; Lund, Emily M.; Fitzpatrick, Olivia M.; Gusman, Michaela S.; Boness, Cassandra L. Scholars for Elevating Equity and Diversity (SEED) .

Bridging, building, and bonding Somali mother’s experiences in a family-focused community program.

Pages 63-74. Pejic, Vanja; Hess, Robyn S.; Frey, Katlyn F.

Intersecting self-stigma among young Chinese men who have sex with menliving with HIV/AIDS: A grounded theory study.

Pages 75-85. Liang, Zurong; Huang, Yu-Te.

Impact of COVID-19 discrimination fear on psychological distress among East Asian college students: The moderating role of emotion regulation.

Pages 86-96. Teng, Charlotte Chengyun; Hon, Sophia; Wang, Angela; Tsai, William.

The challenges of young Bedouin men living in a changing society.

Pages 97-106. Allassad Alhuzail, Nuzha; Segev, Einav.

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