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Articles in AJO, Vol. 94, Issue 5

October 8, 2024

Strengths and challenges among Black and Latinx people living with HIV during COVID-19: A mixed-methods investigation of the translation of self-management across syndemic health crises.

Pages 499-507. Banks, Devin E.; Ramm, Kate; Viducich, Isabella; Beasley, Quonta; Barron, Juan; Chen, Elizabeth Lee; Norwood-Scott, Enricka; Fuentes, Kimberly; Zhang, Muyu; Brown, Arleen F.; Wyatt, Gail E.; Hamilton, Alison; Loeb, Tamra B.

Well-being and contexts of development of U.S. citizen children in Mexico following parental deportation or voluntary relocation.

Pages 508-517. Zayas, Luis H.; Garcia Isaza, Alejandra; Fuentes-Balderrama, Jaime; Rivera-Heredia, María Elena.

Cultural stress, personal identity development, and mental health among U.S. Hispanic college students.

Pages 518-531. Schwartz, Seth J.; Cobb, Cory L.; Meca, Alan; Bautista, Tara; Sahbaz, Sumeyra; Alpysbekova, Aigerim; Watkins, Lawrence G.; Nehme, Lea; Zamboanga, Byron L.; Montero-Zamora, Pablo; Duque, Maria; Vo, Duyen H.; Acaf, Yara; Szapocznik, José.

Ethnic inequality between Arabs and Jews in Israel in global life satisfaction: A social determinants examination among young adults.

Pages 532-549. Achdut, Netta.

Necessary, burdensome, or threatening? Awareness of Black-White disparities in health care access and self-rated health for Black and White Americans.

Pages 550-559. Volpe, Vanessa V.; Thomas Tobin, Courtney S.; Bernard, Donte L.; Muhigaba, Perusi B.; Ross, Julia M.

Associations between interconnectedness, compassion, and participation in collective action for people with mental illness: A random-intercept cross-lagged panel modeling approach.

Pages 560-570. Yu, Ben C. L.; Mak, Winnie W. S.; Fu, Amanda C. M.

Factors mitigate the effect of widowhood’s mental health impact: A logitudinal test from individual, familial, and social perspectives.

Pages 571-581. Li, Dandan; Jiang, Chaoxin.

Using a strength-based approach to social work with minority groups: The case of at-risk young-adult Arabs in Israel.

Pages 582-590. Sulimani-Aidan, Yafit; Ravid, Maayan; Elias, Haneen.

Transgender older adults’ prior military service: Mental health differences by gender identification.

Pages 591-599. Hoy-Ellis, Charles P.; Kim, Hyun-Jun; Oswald, Austin G.; Nelson, Christi; Fredriksen-Goldsen, Karen I.

Unveiling the role of residential care in care leavers’ personal development and life outcomes.

Pages 600-610. Sulimani-Aidan, Yafit; Achdut, Netta; Benbenishty, Rami; Zeira, Anat.

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