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Articles in AJO Vol. 93, Issue 3

May 13, 2023

Racial disparities and predictors of functioning in schizophrenia.

Pages 177-187. Merritt, Carrington C.; Halverson, Tate F.; Elliott, Tonya; Jarskog, L. Fredrik; Pedersen, Cort A.; Penn, David L.

Alone in the shadow of terror: Strategies and internal resources of older adults living alone in a continuous traumatic situation.

Pages 188-197. Hadida-Naus, Shirly; Spector-Mersel, Gabriela; Shiovitz-Ezra, Sharon.

Mattering, wellness, and fairness: Psychosocial goods for the common good.

Pages 198-210. Prilleltensky, Isaac; Scarpa, Michael P.; Ness, Ottar; Di Martino, Salvatore.

Huricane stress, cultural stress, and mental health among hurricane Maria migrants in the U.S. mainland.

Pages 211-224. Montero-Zamora, Pablo; Salas-Wright, Christopher P.; Maldonado-Molina, Mildred M.; Brown, Eric C.; Vos, Saskia R.; Garcia, Maria Fernanda; Scaramutti, Carolina; Rodriguez, José; Bates, Melissa M.; Schwartz, Seth J.

Mothers’ perceptions of how homelessness and housing interventions affect their children’s behavioral and educational functioning.

Pages 225-235. Brown, Scott R.; Thurber, Amie; Shinn, Marybeth.

Maternal depressive symptoms and physical intimate partner violence and children’s internalizing and externalizing behaviors in Guyanese families: Mediating role of constructive conflict behavior.

Pages 236-244. Roopnarine, Jaipaul L.; Ong’ayi, Dickson M. M.; Krishnakumar, Ambika; Ali, Abeeda; Primus, Mark A.

Distinct profiles of violence victimization and suicide risk: Findings from a national survey of emerging adults.

Pages 245-255. Fedina, Lisa; King, Cheryl; DeVylder, Jordan; Herrenkohl, Todd I.

Guidelines for implementing and adapting evidence-based interventions with marginalized youth in schools.

Pages 256-268. Phan, Mary L.; Renshaw, Tyler L.

Socioemotional health, trauma exposure, and internalizing symptoms in students attending an alternative high school.

Pages 269-278. Sung, Angelina; Rubens, Sonia L.; Soliemannjad, Rose R.; Zeringue, Megan M.

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