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AJO Editors

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These covers may look different but the content of the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry (AJO) has always been cutting-edge in informing public policy and professional practice. Lawson Lowrey, the first editor of AJO, noted in his 1930 editorial that launched AJO, the original plan of the American Orthopsychiatric Association included a Journal. The founders of the American Orthopsychiatric Association (Ortho), now the Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice, believed that a journal devoted entirely to problems of human behavior was needed. After a few years of preparation, Lowrey began accepting articles from scholars in any field who could contribute to understanding behavioral problems.

Lowrey and the other leaders of Ortho quickly found that launching a Journal was a “gigantic task.” Nonetheless, they hoped that the quality of the first publication and succeeding issues would justify the effort.

AJO has now flourished for 94 years. Until 2001, it was self-published by Ortho. Since 2001, the American Psychological Association has been the principal publisher. From its beginning, AJO has been edited by a distringuished group of interdisciplinary scholars.

1930 – 1948Lawson G. Lowrey, MD
1948 – 1962George E. Gardner, MD
1962 – 1973Leon Eisenberg, MD
1973 – 1978Eli M. Bower, EdD
1978 – 1983Edmund W. Gordon, EdD
1984 – 1988Albert C. Cain, PhD
1989 – 1993Milton F. Shore, PhD
1994 – 1998Ellen L. Bassuk, MD
1999 – 2004Carlos E. Sluzki, MD
2004 – 2009Nancy Felipe Russo, PhD
2009 – 2014Oscar A. Barbarin, PhD & Gary B. Melton, PhD
2015 – 2022Jill D. McLeigh, PhD & William D. Spaulding, PhD
2022 – 2027Kendell L. Coker, PhD, JD & Ryan P. Kilmer, PhD

For information on submitting an article to AJO or subscribing, see About AJO.

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