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Articles in AJO, Vol 93, Issue 2

March 13, 2023

An examination of theory-based suicidal ideation risk factors in college students with multiple marginalized identities.

Pages 107-119. Shepherd, Benjamin F.; Kelly, Lourah M.; Brochu, Paula M.; Wolff, Jennifer C.; Swenson, Lance P.

From the medical model to the recovery model: Psychologists engaging in advocacy and social justice action agendas in public mental health.

Pages 120-130. Carr, Erika R.; Davenport, Katherine M.; Murakami-Brundage, Jessica L.; Robertson, Sarah; Miller, Rebecca; Snyder, Jennifer.

“I’ve given up”: Biopsychosocial factors preceding farmer suicide in Wisconsin.

Pages 131-143. Kohlbeck, Sara A.; Quinn, Katherine; deRoon-Cassini, Terri; Hargarten, Stephen; Nelson, David; Cassidy, Laura.

The impact of COVID-19 stressors on refugee mental health and well-being in the context of sustained displacement.

Pages 144-155. Hoffman, Joel; Liddell, Belinda J.; Keegan, David; Kashyap, Shraddha; Diah Tricesaria, Anak Agung Istri; Pestalozzi, Zico; Argadianti, Rizka; Nandyatama, Randy W.; Khakbaz, Mitra; Nilasari, Nindita; Nickerson, Angela.

Difficulties in emotion regulation among Syrian refugee girls: Risk and protective factors.

Pages 156-165. Khamis, Vivian.

Transgender and gender diverse adults’ reflections on alcohol counseling and recommendations for providers.

Pages 166-175. Guy, Arryn A.; Surace, Anthony; Zelaya, David G.; Flynn, Risa; Opalo, Chloe; Keuroghlian, Alex S.; Mayer, Kenneth H.; Monti, Peter M.; Kahler, Christopher W.

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