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Articles in AJO, Vol. 92(4)

The imperative of high-quality education in juvenile corrections: An introduction to the special section.

pp. 389–390  Leone, Peter E.; Gagnon, Joseph Calvin.

Mental health interventions for youth who are incarcerated: A systematic review of literature.

pp. 391–404  Gagnon, Joseph Calvin; Benedick, Amanda Ross; Mason-Williams, Loretta.

Interventions addressing incarcerated youth behavior: A review of literature.

pp. 405–417  Gagnon, Joseph Calvin; Ruiz, Elizabeth; Mathur, Sarup R.; Mason-Williams, Loretta.

Curriculum, instruction, and promoting college and career readiness for incarcerated youth: A literature review.

pp. 418–428  Hunter, Ally; Griller Clark, Heather; Mason-Williams, Loretta; Gagnon, Joseph Calvin.

Providing high-quality education in juvenile corrections: Next steps.

pp. 429–441  Gagnon, Joseph Calvin; Mason-Williams, Loretta; Griller Clark, Heather; LaBelle, Brittany; Mathur, Sarup R.; Leone, Peter E.

A pilot evaluation of sexual and gender minority identity measures in a treatment-engaged military veteran sample.

pp. 442–451  Cramer, Robert J.; Kaniuka, Andréa R.; Lange, Tiffany M.; Brooks, Byron D.; Feinstein, Brian A.; Hilgeman, Michelle M.

Immigrant and U.S.-born migrant farmworkers: Dual paths to discrimination-related health outcomes.

pp. 452–462  Reyes, Sara; Acosta, Laura M.; Domínguez, Vanessa; Ramos, Athena K.; Andrews II, Arthur R.

Social service providers navigating the rapid transition to telehealth with Latinx immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic.

pp. 463–473  Negi, Nalini Junko; Siegel, Jennifer L.

Antipsychotic medications and admission to psychiatric residential treatment facilities among youth in foster care diagnosed with disruptive behavior disorders.

pp. 474–482  Rose, Roderick A.; Lanier, Paul; dosReis, Susan.

Life satisfaction among alumni of youth villages in Israel: A life course perspective.

pp. 483–496  Achdut, Netta; Sulimani-Aidan, Yafit; Benbenishty, Rami; Zeira, Anat.

Subjective happiness interrupts the association between alcohol expectancies and alcohol consumption among reserve-dwelling first nation adolescents.

pp. 497–504  Schick, Melissa R.; Todi, Akshiti A.; Spillane, Nichea S.

Black sexual minority women’s social well-being and psychological distress.

pp. 505–515  Thorpe, Shemeka; Malone, Natalie; Hargons, Candice N.

Affect reactivity and lifetime racial discrimination among Black college students: The role of coping.

pp. 516–528  Neukrug, Hannah; Benson, G. Perusi; Buhrman, Graham; Volpe, Vanessa V.

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