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Articles in AJO, Vol. 92, Issue 6

What motivates community mental and behavioral health organizations to participate in LGBTQ+ cultural competency trainings?

pp. 647–656  Fish, Jessica N.; King-Marshall, Evelyn C.; Williams, Natasha D.; Aparicio, Elizabeth M.; Tralka, Hannah M.; Boekeloo, Bradley O.

Latent class analysis of racial microaggressions and institution-specific racial discrimination at a U.S. minority-serving university: Implications for mental health and coping.

pp. 657–672  Lui, Florence; Espinosa, Adriana; Anglin, Deidre M.

Predictors of worklife burnout among mental health certified peer specialists.

pp. 673–680  Ostrow, Laysha; Cook, Judith; Salzer, Mark; Pelot, Morgan; Burke-Miller, Jane.

The impact of daily stressors on unaccompanied young refugees’ mental health: A longitudinal study.

pp. 681–691  Behrendt, Malte; Pfeiffer, Elisa; Devlieger, Ines; Adeyinka, Sarah; Rota, Marina; Uzureau, Océane; Lietaert, Ine; Derluyn, Ilse.

Barriers to drug treatment in police diversion programs and drug courts: A qualitative analysis.

pp. 692–701  Dickson-Gomez, Julia; Spector, Antoinette; Krechel, Sarah; Li, Jianghong; Montaque, Helena Danielle Green; Ohlrich, Jessica; Galletly, Carol; Weeks, Margaret.

Community participation differences between Black and White adults with serious mental illness.

pp. 702–710  Nagata, Shinichi; Subica, Andrew M.; Myrick, Keris J.; Green, Clinton; Salzer, Mark S.

Race and nonrace-specific attributions of discrimination: Implications for major depressive disorder among African American, Black Caribbean, and White adults.

pp. 711–719  Cogburn, Courtney D.; Abdou, Cleopatra; Jackson, James S.

Racial/ethnic discrimination, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts among ethnoracially minoritized college students.

pp. 720–730  Polanco-Roman, Lillian; Hollingsworth, David W.; Liang, Connie; Oduro, Neena; Anglin, Deidre M.

The role of exposure to child abuse, social exclusion, and discrimination in predicting posttraumatic symptoms and resilience among young Arab women in Israel.

pp. 731–740  Pagorek Eshel, Shira; Alnabilsy, Raghda; Elias, Haneen.

Housing outcomes among homeless-experienced veterans engaged in vocational services.

pp. 741–747  Wong, Michelle S.; Clair, Kimberly; Stigers, Peter J.; Montgomery, Ann Elizabeth; Kern, Robert S.; Gabrielian, Sonya.

Paradoxical effects of ethnic identification on threat and anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic. A study of ethnic minority and immigrant groups.

pp. 748–755  Bilewicz, Michał; Mirucka, Maria; Olko, Justyna.

Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers.

pp. 756–757

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