GA at UN: Digital Skills for Development

During the UN HLM session, Accelerating action through digital technologies: Strengthening digital skills and capacities for human well-being, the discussion focused on the role of digital skills for development and the need to close the digital divide, particularly as the correlation between risks to COVID-19 intersecting with digital and social inequities were raised. The session highlighted examples from around the world with relation to access and barriers to reliable internet, in conjunction with the skills and platforms necessary to work remotely and attend virtual school. The central point was that digital skills (on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices) are required to accelerate the achievement of all SDGs. If used properly, such skills will be used as enablers, which means that without skills people will be left further behind. COVID-19 has brought to the surface the huge connectivity challenge, with over 90% of the world’s population living in an area that has service coverage, yet only 54% are using the internet, with less developed countries having significantly less usage (ITU, 2020).
Although there was very important information and recommendations to move forward with economic-focused well-being indicators (including case examples of implementing assessments and implementing recommendations in Ghana), no presenters included a holistic approach to ‘human well-being,’ a significant shortcoming when reimagining the digital divide and skill development.