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CT4A: Join the #BeyondTheRoom Team

September 12, 2022

Join a diverse team of correspondents reporting from the Coming Together For Action Conference (CT4A) in late October 2022. Led by André Tomlin from The Mental Elf, #BeyondTheRoom team members will live tweet from the conference in Baltimore and record podcast interviews with speakers and delegates. The team’s range of unique experiences and voices will provide a richer experience for all.

If you are interested in becoming part of the CT4FA #BeyondTheRoom, email gro.e1740303154citsu1740303154jhb@e1740303154cnere1740303154fnoc1740303154 with “Beyond The Room Team Application” in the subject line. Please include a short bio that includes your experience, interests, and why you want to be a #BeyondTheRoom team member.  Please also include all social handles in the email.

Team members will be trained by André Tomlin (virtually) before the conference.

Meet André Tomlin 

André Tomlin is an Information Scientist who has worked in mental health since 1996, originally for the NHS, then for the University of Oxford, and since 2002 as MD of an evidence-based healthcare consultancy called Minervation which has coproduced over 20 mental health websites and apps for charities, the public sector, and companies in the last decade, and so he has extensive hands-on experience of working with service users and professionals to build accessible, usable, and reliable products. Since 2011 he has led the development of the National Elf Service—including The Mental Elf—which helps keep people up to date with the latest evidence-based health and social care research.

Connect with André: @Mental_Elf | LinkedIn

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