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As a leader in behavioral health research, Global Alliance provides access to learning resources such as podcast episodes, live and on-demand webinars, blog articles, and more.

AJO American Journal of Orthopsychiatry

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry (AJO)

AJO is a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal published by the American Psychological Association (APA). As the principal publication of the Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice, AJO reflects the Alliance’s goal of informing policy, practice, and research concerning behavioral health, social justice, and wellbeing.

Global Alliance email communications and newsletters


We regularly send information-rich emails to our mailing list of members and non-members.

  • Stay up to date on the latest policies, resolutions, and other publications
  • Learn about significant dates and holidays with related resources and recommendations for taking action
  • Get alerted about upcoming events, including webinars, conferences, task force meetings, and  networking events
The United States capitol building

Policy & Advocacy Statements

The Global Alliance has a rich history of advocacy for the rights of others at the state, national, and international levels. With the assistance of our members, we develop resolutions, position statements, and policy briefs.

A person typing on a laptop

eLearning Center

Our LMS is available to Global Alliance members and offers access to a growing library of topical courses, exclusive webinars, and past conference materials.

Latest Blog Articles

Articles in AJO Vol. 95, Issue 1

From multilevel to trans-level interventions: A critical next step for creating sustainable social change to improve mental health. Pages 1-11. Goodkind, Jessica…

Articles in AJO Vol. 94, Issue 6

Privilege and distress intolerance at the margins: Exploring the role of critical consciousness and entitlement. Pages 611-622. Brewster, Melanie E.; Velez, Brandon…

Check it out

Think About Policy Podcast

Our Think About Policy Podcast is dedicated to informing policy, practice, and research concerning behavioral health, social justice, and well-being.

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